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Shivam Verma
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  • Ambient Flow - Remixing the Internet of Things.
    Ambient Flow provides a set of novel smart space design tools, which enable non-programmers to visually “remix” their ambient environments in new, playful and potentially unforeseen ways using an intuitive flow-graph model. [Publications Inside]

  • Dengue Mapper - Using smartphones to analyze movement patterns of Dengue patients in Singapore.
    An application on the Android platform for analyzing the movement patterns of a hundred dengue patients along with a hundred control users in Singapore. The study aims to guide control measures which could be carried out to reduce the incidences of mosquito breeding and dengue infection in Singapore.

  • DynamixJS 2.x - Giving browsers superpowers!
    A drop-in JavaScript library that enables browsers to request support for Dynamix plug-ins to discover rich, high order contextual information, perform context-aware adaptations to influence the user’s physical environment.

  • DynamixPy 1.x - Making desktops context-aware.
    A fully functional version of DynamixPy for devices that support python. Any Python app developer can easily drop-in this py library and use runtime installed Dynamix plug-ins to discover rich, high order contextual information.

  • Indoor Navigation Using Virtual Walks - A Smartphone Based Indoor Navigation System.
    An Indoor Navigation application for off-the shelf Android smartphones. The application is supported by an easy to use web frontend for creating indoor maps and providing a set of Points of Interest for Localization and Navigation. [Publications Inside]

  • Ambient Dynamix - A plug and play context-aware Framework.
    A lightweight software framework that transforms a user’s mobile device into an adaptive smart gateway to the Internet of Things. It enables mobile apps and Web apps to fluidly interact with the physical world through advanced sensing, control and actuation plug-ins that can be installed into the user’s device on-demand.

  • Privly - Protecting your content on the web.
    An open source project built by contributors from around the world, that helps you protect your content in the wild. It gives you more than privacy, it gives you security and enables you to protect your content from being exposed in the long run.